Did you ever think you could have ice cream for breakfast? Why not with our fantastic raw, gluten free, dairy free
banana ice cream!
Super healthy - delicious - and easy!

Ingredients: 1 Frozen Banana, Almond Milk and cinnamon to taste.
Directions:First thing you want to do is to remove the peel, cut up your banana and freeze. After your banana is frozen, combine a few tablespoons of almond milk and cinnamon to taste in the food processor.
You want to process until your banana mixture becomes the consistency of soft serve ice cream. You will need to stop and scrape the sides down a few times and can add more almond milk to help move it along. If you don't have almond milk then go ahead and use some water, it works just as well.
Once it's all processed then simply enjoy!
For some variations, you can add dark chocolate chips, nuts and fresh fruit. If you want to make more of a sorbet texture, then you can also add some other frozen fruits like oranges or strawberries to your bananas! The list is endless as to what fun creations you can make! Have fun and enjoy!
Check out our fun video we made for my dad, because he was looking for some healthy recipes to make. Ok, so my son insisted on being camera man and is still getting used to keeping the camera steady, but we had so much fun making it!